Your Problem is not only excessive fat deposits on the outer and inner thighs but also “fat traps” that are not affected by diets and sports loads? Liposuction, like a sculptor, helps to cut off all unnecessary and model a more slender and harmonious body shape.
Vaser liposuction is a relatively new direction in contouring and, like everything new, raises many questions and doubts. We present you the main advantages and disadvantages of this technique, so that you can decide for yourself whether it suits you or not.
Benefits of Vaser Lipo
The operation takes place under local anaesthesia or drug sleep. Thanks to this, it takes much less time to restore the body and return to normal life.
For the introduction of a laser probe, minimal punctures are made – 1-2 mm. Classical liposuction uses much larger cannulas and incisions up to 1 cm long, which certainly increases swelling and the chances of developing hematomas.
The risk of uneven removal of fat is eliminated, and, at the same time, the appearance of “pits” on the skin. The vaser evenly destroys the fat layer, so the skin remains as smooth and natural.The risk of damage to blood vessels and nerve fibres is excluded.
Vaser liposuction stimulates the production of collagen, as a result of which the skin in the treated areas tightens faster and becomes more elastic.

It is possible to perform liposuction on previously inaccessible areas for this type of procedure, for example, the face, cheeks, neck, shoulders, etc. This became possible due to the less traumatism of the procedure and the small thickness of the microcannula through which the optical fibre passes.
Disadvantages of Vaser Lipo
If vaser liposuction is performed on an area of the body with loose, stretched skin, a second laser lifting procedure may be required if the skin has not contracted enough after vaser liposuction. However, it should be noted that with classical liposuction, the skin shrinks much worse than with a laser. In this regard, it is not recommended to perform it in such “problem” areas as the inner surface of the thighs and forearms, while vaser liposuction in these cases gives excellent results.
The final result of the operation is visible after 2-3 months since this is the period necessary for the final reduction of the skin.
It is required to comply with the regime for a certain time – wear compression garments, do not lift weights, and possibly take antibiotics. With traditional liposuction, there are also limitations, and there are an order of magnitude more of them.

At the CatchLife Aesthetic clinic in Turkey, we use innovative surgical equipment – a vaser liposuction machine. Its power is 18 W, which allows you to effectively destroy fat cells, while not damaging the surrounding tissues. Laser energy penetrates into the subcutaneous fat thanks to cannulas with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Traces from such punctures on the skin are regenerated extremely quickly. Another important advantage of the laser is the effect of tissue tightening.
In addition, our surgeons, with over a decade of experience, use proprietary liposuction techniques. For this procedure, both local anaesthesia and sedation can be used. The patient does not need to be in the hospital for a single day!
You can learn more about the procedure for reducing fat volumes with a laser at a consultation with a doctor. Come to CatchLife Aesthetic in Turkey and see for yourself that vaser liposuction is a gentle and effective method of removing excess adipose tissue even in the most inaccessible and delicate areas!
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Altinkum Mahallesi Ataturk Bulvari
No: 116/AB Konyaalti, Antalya, TURKEY