About the Service
It is a surgical procedure that enlarges and/or shapes the hips with your own fat for a more prominent, voluminous appearance. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your butt and want a fuller, younger look, butt augmentation may be right for you. Brazilian Butt Lift uses micro fat grafting to add volume and sculpt curvy, shapely hips. Brazilian Butt Lift is a process that is completed in three stages: These are: Fat is removed from areas where liposuction can be applied such as hips, thighs, abdomen. The removed fat is purified and made ready for injection. The ready- to- inject fat is transferred to certain areas of the hip, thus increasing the ort h of the hip and corrects the shape. Before the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, which is considered an outpatient treatment, general or local anesthesia is applied. Brazilian Butt Lift, which improves butt size, may not be suitable for everyone. People who meet the following written criteria are the most suitable candidates for Brazilian Butt Lift procedure: Those who want the hip area to be voluminous without the implant process, those who have a smooth hip area colour tone, those who have enough fat for the procedure. Brazilian Butt Lift is not a traditional lifting procedure. There are more suitable aesthetic treatment options for those who want to have a lifting-like procedure in the hip area. Having hip surgery requires some special changes in the healing process. Although the pain is typically minimal and easily controlled with pain medication, you will not be allowed to sit or lie directly on your hip for about 2 weeks after Brazilian butt lift. During this time, you will need to sleep or lie on your face or side or stand for all activities except the toilet. When you’re ready, your plastic surgeon will allow you to sit in a modified position by using a “donut” chair or placing a pillow under your thighs to avoid putting pressure on the hips. Normal sitting activity is usually allowed after about 8 weeks. If you follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions, you should be able to resume light daily activities within 1 week of surgery and return to work within 10 to 14 days.